About Us

Humble Beginnings

TKC was founded in 2018 by a group of recent college grads, with a vision: to produce the highest quality and most effective Speciosa available. TKC’s founders were sick and tired of the lack of consistency and transparency offered by other brands and wanted to make a product that customers could rely on to produce the same great results every time. TKC’s strains have been hand selected after months and months of testing and searching the vast forests of Southeast Asia for the perfect species of mitragyna speciosa. The end result is three of the finest strains you’ll find, a fantastic blend of the highest quality mitragyna planet earth. Don’t believe us? Try it for yourself.

Quality is Key

TKC was created for one reason and one reason only: to create a brand that customers can trust. TKC’s founders believe that users of this plant should have access to a reliable brand that they can count on. Unlike other brands, TKC’s products are reviewed by batch to ensure that each and every package of TKC powder is of the highest quality. Our customers know that when they purchase a TKC product, they’ll be getting the same exceptional product as the last time and the time before that. That’s the TKC difference.


The TKC team is honored to have been able to sell to so many customers all over the country. Looking back on the past two years, we have been able to help so many people while also giving back to communities in need. Looking forward, our core strategies remain. We plan to continue our aim to provide even better quality and more profound service. Cheers to you. Customers will ALWAYS come first. Never hesitate to reach with a question or just to chat!

About Us

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